Fresh Cow Alpha®


Fresh Cow Alpha® is a fresh cow supplement featuring yeast, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and niacin for the transition into lactation.

All dairy cows face significant health challenges and compromised immunity following freshening. Fresh Cow Alpha®, part of a global brand, is the total fresh cow product. For quicker recovery, to get back on feed faster and improve milk production, cows require more than just calcium. Fresh Cow Alpha delivers vital nutrients including live yeast, magnesium, potassium and more, in an efficient, easy-to-use application.


When to Use:

  • Immediately post-calving to support the transition into lactation for all cows
  • For all fresh cows, to help boost intakes
  • For post-surgery and other stress events
  • To promote peak milk production
“One of the nicest features about Fresh Cow Alpha is that you do not need to worry about whether it gets in the cow or not.”
– Kevin Cornett, Sweetwater Valley Farms

Key Benefits

  • Contains live yeast and other nutrients to get cows on feed faster
  • Provides key nutrient and probiotics to enhance rumen health and intestinal integrity
  • Includes multiple sources of calcium
  • Provides nutrients essential to help promote peak milk while addressing metabolic disorders
Dairy cow and newborn calf
Fresh Cow YMCP for fresh cows product image

Directions For Use

Feed 500 grams per cow per day to fresh cows starting immediately after calving as showing in the following directions. Consult your nutrition advisor for additional information.

Feed Mixing or Top Dressing:

When feed mixing or top dressing Fresh Cow Alpha, evenly distribute sufficient Fresh Cow Alpha in the total ration or grain ration to provide a daily intake of 500 grams of Fresh Cow Alpha per cow.

Water Use:

When using in the drinking water, mix at a rate of 500 grams to 15-20 liters of warm water.

Fresh Cow Alpha®

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Support nutrient & hydration recovery for fresh cows with Fresh Cow Alpha.

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